Educator Resources

Thursday, October 25, 2012


4th Period will also have a vocabulary midterm on Friday. Most of the test will consist of this week's vocab:
  1. 1    anguish: extreme pain, distress, or anxiety
  2. 2.       ethereal: heavenly, fine, delicately beautiful
  3. 3.       eulogize: to praise highly, to extol
  4. 4.       euphemism: a word or phrase that’s used to make an unpleasant idea sound better
  5. 5.       evasive: tending to avoid giving direct answers
  6. 6.       industrious: constantly active or occupied
  7. 7.       Myriada large number, many
  8. 8.       quiver: to shake with a trembling motion
  9. 9.       Rotundround
  10. 10.  sauntered: to walk around leisurely; to stroll
  11. 11.  Subtlehard to see or understand; elusive
  12. 12.  tangent: a line that touches a curve at just one point; or a comment that is off the main topic
  13. 13.  tantamount: equal, comparable
  14. 14.  temper: bring into balance; moderate
  15. 15.  Tyrannygovernment based on absolute power or cruelty
The rest of the words will come from the previous 4 vocabulary lists (1.0-4.0):
1.     amour-propre: respect for one’s self
2.     augment to make something greater in size
3.     aurevoir: used to express farewell
4.     avaricious: immoderately desirous of wealth or gain
5.     aviatrix: female pilot
6.     Echelon: a formation of troops, ships, airplanes, etc.
7.     elephantine: huge, ponderous, or clumsy
8.     emasculate: to deprive of strength or vigor
9.     emissary: a representative sent on a mission or errand
10.                        epsilon: the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet
11.                        equanimity: mental or emotional stability or composure; calmness
12.                        equestrian: of or pertaining to horseback riding
13.                        erroneous: containing error
14.                        exophtalmus: protrusion of the eyeball from the orbit caused by disease or injury.
15.                        jabberwocky: meaningless syllables that seem to make sense
16.                        jaunty: in fashion, stylish; lighthearted and merry
17.                        jejune: not nourishing or satisfying
18.                        jubilant: joyful and triumphant
19.                        juxtapose: to put side by side or close together
20.                        kaffeeklatsch: an informal social gathering for coffee and conversation
21.                        kainotophobia: fear of change
22.                        kakidrosis: body odor
23.                        kamaaina: one who has lived in Hawaii for a long time
24.                        keck: to feel disgust
25.                        keffel: a horse
26.                        kenspeckle: easy to recognize
27.                        kickie-wickie: a wife
28.                        kirtle: a long gown or dress
29.                        kith: familiar friends, neighbors, or relatives
30.                        maculate: marked with spots
31.                        magnate: person of rank, power, influence
32.                        malaise: indefinite feeling of debility or lack of health indicating an onset of an illness
33.                        moue: a little grimace
34.                        natatorium: an indoor swimming pool
35.                        necropolis: a large elaborate cemetery of an ancient city
36.                        nefarious: flagrantly wicked or impious
37.                        neoplasm: a new growth of tissue serving no physiological function
38.                        newfangled: of the new style
39.                        noctambulation: sleep-walking
40.                        nocuous: likely to cause injury
41.                        nonentity: something that only exists in the imagination, if at all
42.                        numskull: a stupid person
43.                        qualitative: relating to or concerning quality
44.                        quell: to put down forcibly
45.                        quiddity: the real nature of a thing
46.                        quietusin: something that serves to suppress
47.                        quotha: used to express sarcasm or surprise after quoting another
48.                        uberous: fruitful, abundant
49.                        ugsome: ugly, offensive, loathsome
50.                        ulotrichous: having woolly or curly hair
51.                        ululation: howl, a long emotional utterance
52.                        unbosm: to reveal in confidence
53.                        unchancy: unlucky
54.                        ususfructus: the legal right to use and enjoy the benefits and profits of something belonging to another

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