Educator Resources

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Test your Vocab Knowledge!

Test your number of words! This is a fun way to see how many words you actually know or could possibly know! :) Know if you read lots of books and texts, you have a greater vocabulary!

My total vocabulary size is estimated to be:

This is the estimated number of entries in a standard dictionary for which you know at least one definition.

This number does not include word derivations (e.g. "quickly," derived from "quick," does not count as a separate word). And while it does count compound words (like "air conditioning"), it does not include phrases or expressions (like "food for thought").
Thanks for taking the test! Based on over 200,000 participations so far, we've got some initial statistics already. Most Native English adult speakers who have taken the test fall in the range 20,000–35,000 words.Click here for a full breakdown by age (opens in new tab/window).
And for foreign learners of English, we've found that the most common vocabulary size is from 2,500–9,000words. Click here for the full distribution (opens in new tab/window).
However, we still need more data for complete analysis by age or education level, especially for participants under 15.
So please share this test, via sites like Facebook
), Twitter (new, share your score: ), or by plain word-of-mouth. We especially need participation from children and teenagers, where the biggest vocabulary growth occurs, so families are key. (For little kids, obviously they'll need a parent or older sibling to help!)
Over the coming months, we will continue to update our statistics as more data comes in. To save your personal result, you can bookmark this page with your result using the link that appears directly below your result.
Also, if you're interested in the English language and words, take a look at the books to your right. Or for information on how our calculation is performed and how the test was put together, please go on to our nitty-gritty details page.

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