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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Vocab 1-8 Midterm Study List

To study for your midterm, click after the jump to get vocab lists 1-8 below.

Vocab Week One

  1. august--marked by grandeur and awe
  2. ancillary--subsidiary; providing assistance
  3. semblance--an outward likeness in form or appearance
  4. autodidact--a self-taught person
  5. asinine--exhibiting poor judgment or intelligence
  6. albeit--although; even though
  7. conduit--a means by which something is transmitted
  8. philatelist--one who collects stamps
  9. indefatigable--tireless; incapable of being fatigued
  10. martyr--one who suffers or sacrifices for a cause
  11. indiscretion--a minor misdeed
  12. osmosis--a gradual process of absorption of water
  13. picayune--of very little value; trivial
  14. dossier--a file of detailed information on a person or subject
  15. behest--a command or urgent request
List 2 Vocab

1. beseeching, (v) to beg or request earnestly
2. blaspheme, (v) to speak with irreverence
3. brazen, (adj) overly bold
4. Hypocrite (N) an insincere person; one who pretends to have feelings he doesn’t really possess
5. Insolent (Adj) rude; haughty
6. Lugubrious (Adj) mournful
7. Mundane (Adj) ordinary, practical, or boring
8. Opulence (N) luxury; wealth; riches
9. recoil, (v) to shrink back physically or emotionally
10. unperturbed, (adj) not bothered or worried about
11. cajole (v), to fool with flattery or false promises; coax; deceive
12. candor (n), honesty; frankness
13. capacious (adj), large, roomy, spacious
14. capitulate (v), surrender or yield
15. capricious (adj) unpredictable


1.          insouciant / not concerned; free from care
2.          static / without force or movement; stationary
3.          stipulate/ to specify a required part of an agreement
4.          zeitgeist/the general spirit of the time
5.          proliferate/to grow or reproduce rapidly
6.          tenet/a belief or principle held to be true
7.          ruminate/to think deeply or repeatedly
8.          vigilant/alert at all times
9.          dissident/someone who disagrees
10.     petulant/rude in speech or behavior; peevish
11.     derivative/not the original; coming from another source
12.     accolade/an award or honor
13.     demur/to disapprove or to take exception
14.     limpid/transparent; clear
15.     invidious/tending to cause discontent, harm, or resentment; offensively unfair

List 4 Vocab

1. consternation, 64 (n) amazement or dismay that creates confusion
2. corrugated, 71 (adj) having ridges or grooves
3. meander, 80 (v) to wander aimlessly or casually without a destination
4. ambrosia, 84 (n) the food of the Greek and Roman gods
5. bona fide, 85 (adj) genuine; without fraud
6. Primordial (Adj) formed long ago, primitive
7. Revere (V) to greatly respect
8. Sublime (Adj) noble, of special or high quality
9. Turbulence (N) violent disturbance
10. Voluble (Adj) always ready to talk and discuss
11. irascible (adj) easily angered
12. irony (n) an unexpected outcome or the use of a word that is the opposite of its literal meaning
13. irresolute (adj) indecisive, unsure
14. irreverent (adj) disrespectful
15. jargon (n) specialized language used by a particular group

Voc 5 List

1. impregnable: not able to be conquered
2. xenophobia: an intense dislike or fear of strangers
3. inherent: essential
4. irreverent: disrespectful
5. subjugate: to dominate, conquer, or bring under control
6. expedite: to increase the rate of progress
7. filibuster: to attempt to block a bill from becoming law by speaking at length  against it
8. pristine: pure, completely clean and uncontaminated
9. pithy: full of meaning; concise
10. invective: an insult or abuse in speech
11. prodigal: reckless, wasteful, and extravagant
12. pliable: easily bent or flexible
13. torpid: losing motion, feeling, or power; lacking in energy
14. tenuous: not dense or thick; having little substance
15. discordant: being in disagreement

List 6 Vocab

1. Assail (V) to attack with words or force
2. benediction (n) good wishes; a blessing
3. benevolent (adj) kindhearted; good-natured; generous
4. bequeath (v) to leave behind or hand down through a will; transmit
5. blight (n) decay, disease, widespread death
6. bolster (v) to support; to reinforce
7. bristled (v) to take on a defensive or aggressive attitude
8. Copious (Adj) in large quantity; abundant
9. Distended (Adj) swollen or injured
10. eclectic (adj) composed of elements from various styles
11. Extemporaneous (Adj) done without planning; improvised 
12. incessantly, (adv) continuing without interruption
13. indignation (n) anger aroused by something unjust or unworthy
14. Insolvent (Adj) unable to pay bills, broke
15. solace (n) to give comfort in grief or misfortune

List 7 Vocab

1. circumspect: careful, heedful, attentive to all points
2. zephyr: a gentle breeze; the West Wind
3. renegade: one who deserts one side in favor of another; traitor; outlaw
4. retribution: something justly deserved, especially a punishment
5. hurtle: to move or fling swiftly and with great force
6. scourge: a person or thing that causes great trouble or misfortune
7. caustic: biting, stingingly sharp or sarcastic
8. taciturn: not fond of talking, usually silent
9. agnostic: one who believes that the existence of God can neither be proved nor disproved
10. terse: brief and to the point
11. uncanny: weird, strange, so keen or acute as to seem bizarre
12. exodus: a mass departure or emigration
13. penitent: remorseful, sorry for having done wrong
14. vindicate: to clear of suspicion or accusations
15. raillery: good-humored ridicule or teasing

List 8 Vocab

1. anguish: extreme pain, distress, or anxiety
2. ethereal: heavenly, fine, delicately beautiful
3. eulogize: to praise highly, to extol
4. euphemism: a word or phrase that’s used to make an unpleasant idea sound better
5. evasive: tending to avoid giving direct answers
6. industrious: constantly active or occupied
7. Myriad: a large number, many
8. quiver: to shake with a trembling motion
9. Rotund: round
10. sauntered: to walk around leisurely; to stroll
11. Subtle: hard to see or understand; elusive
12. tangent: a line that touches a curve at just one point; or a comment that is off the main topic
13. tantamount: equal, comparable
14. temper: bring into balance; moderate
15. Tyranny: government based on absolute power or cruelty

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