A “Portfolio Assessment” gives you the opportunity to show your
strengths and do assignments that interest you about the novel of
choice. In this case, we will all be reading TKAM,
but we each will have different ending portfolios with our own unique
mix of assignments. Each of the layers below (A, B, and C) have
assignments that are alike in difficulty, but engage different personal
- Layer B is the hard-and-fast knowledge check that proves you really did read the novel and that you really did understand what was happening. Each assignment in Layer B will count as an individual classwork grade.
- Layer A is the significant writing that will be counted as a test grade.
- You will also receive a grade based on your hard work in class as well as the completion of all of the assignments. This will be a classwork grade. This means when you have the opportunity in class to be working, you are ready, able, and concentrated on that work.
This assignment is geared for you to succeed. Choose the assignments under each layer that you best understand and that you know you can do well and receive a good grade on. Do not just choose something because it is easy...Trust me, if you go that route, it is never as easy as you think it will be and because you don’t care about it, you won’t do A+ work. Happy reading! Happy learning!
Check out the full Portfolio Assessment sheet here!
ONE Layer B: Wed 4/1
ONE Layer C: Fri 4/3
BOTH Layer C: Thurs 4/16
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