Thursday, November 15, 2012

Reflection Two: DUE

Remember to align these paragraph responses to MLA Formatting!
  1. What part of the Senior Project are you currently developing? Explain what you are doing specifically to make this assignment successful.
  2. Currently, what successes have you encountered while working on your project? What skills have allowed you to be successful?
  3. Currently, what challenges have you encountered while working on your project? What has caused these challenges?
  4. Explain how you are using and practicing time management skills in relation to completing this project.


  1. any chance you can put up or point me towards the questions for the third reflection. i cannot find them anywhere

    1. Everything you need, including extra copies of handouts, can be found at the top of the screen where is says "Senior Project."

      Or by clicking here:

  2. jk i found them


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