Friday, December 14, 2012

Voc 15 List


1.            epistle/a letter or literary composition in letter form
2.            avid/enthusiastic; extremely interested
3.            gadfly/an irritating and persistent person
4.            humility/absence of vanity; humbleness
5.            dolorous/exhibiting sorrow or pain
6.            gargantuan/of huge or extraordinary size and power
7.            arduous/difficult; requiring much effort
8.            affable/friendly; agreeable; easy to talk to
9.            grandiloquent/pompous or high-flown in speech
10.      agrarian/concerning farms, farmers, or the use of land
11.      grimace/a facial expression of fear, disapproval, or pain
12.      harangue/ a long, strongly expressed speech or lecture
13.      formidable/arousing fear or awe
14.      sycophant/a flatterer; one who fawns on others in order to gain favor

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