Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Digging Deep into The Scarlet Letter

Now that we have established Hawthorne's unique and detailed writing style, we will read the rest of the text independently (see schedule below) and discuss the chapters in class. Tomorrow, we will look into the main characters in the close reading style that we employed today.

 We will also be supplementing our understanding via the WGBH Boston mini-series interpretation. We will be completing ABC Charts within our Daily Composition Notebooks. Using the alphabet, we can identify lots of symbols and setting elements that set the tone and theme of The Scarlet Letter. These charts will help us identify the Dark Romantic style of Hawthorne's writing. Follow this link to watch a video about American Dark Romanticism.

Additionally, we will be doing pages from the Glencoe Activities Packet. Keep up with these papers in your Comp Notebooks and we'll work on them as we go!

For an online version of Hawthorne's original text, click here! For your reading of The Scarlet Letter, you can check out this audio recording. It also has a copy of the text below as it reads--a one-stop wonder!

Reading Schedule:
(Due in class on day mentioned)
Wed: Ch 1
Thurs: Ch 2-4
Fri: Ch 5-6

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