Thursday, November 29, 2012

Voc 12 List

1.         levity: lightness of disposition; lack of seriousness
2.         hoax: a practical joke; a trick
3.         amicable: friendly; peaceable
4.         obstreperous: aggressively boisterous; stubborn and defiant
5.         enraptured: delighted beyond measure
6.         marital: having to do with marriage
7.         bask: to expose oneself to pleasant warmth
8.         genial: friendly; amiable
9.         charlatan: one who pretends to have knowledge in order to swindle others
10.   mundane: commonplace; earthly and not spiritual
11.   fickle: likely to change on a whim or without apparent reason
12.   juggernaut: a terrible destructive or irresistible force
13.   naïve: simple in outlook; not affected or worldly; especially innocent 

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