Monday, December 3, 2012

Voc 13 List

1.               inert: unable to act or move; inactive; sluggish
2.               circumvent: to get around; to bypass
3.               clandestine: secret
4.               acquit: to find not guilty of a crime
5.               deprecate: to express strong disapproval of
6.               barrister: lawyer
7.               adulation: excessive praise or admiration
8.               culinary: having to do with the kitchen or cooking
9.               bawdy: indecent; humorously obscene
10.         chastise: to punish severely
11.         jocose: joking; humorous
12.         myriad: too numerous to be counted
13.         latent: present, but not active; hidden
14.         pernicious: destructive; deadly
15.         frugal: thrifty; economical in money matters

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