Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Finish $$ Bills and Shields!

Directions for your symbolic bills and shields can be found after the jump! 
We will write our paragraphs in class tomorrow!

Dollar Bill Assignment: English 3s (1st and 2nd Period)

Shield Assignment: English 4s (4th Period)
Put your first name, last name, or a CLEAN nickname in the center of the plate.

Use the symbolism sheet to add representatives of the following things about you:
·If you were using a symbol to represent yourself above your name.
·Choose two symbols that represent your interests, history, jobs, hobbies, etc. These will be placed left and right of the base of your name.
·The background color(s) should represent any facet of your personality you think is strongest.
·Choose your favorite CLEAN line of music and use it as your motto under the shield.
·What do you do best? What is the most powerful activity you engage in? Where are your strengths? Think of a symbol for this strength. Use this as a symbol at the base of your shield.
·Who do you look up to? Who is your role model? What adult has had the most positive influence in your life? (A family member, a teacher, an employer, a coach, etc.) Think of a symbol for this person and use this at the top of your shield. 

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