Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Greek Mythology Presentations

Presentations for your Greek god/goddess/human/creature begin this week! You have already turned in your handouts (due today), so now you only need to create your visual aid!

For your visual aid, I want you to create a model of a product based on your character. In Rick Riordian’s Heroes of Olympus series, the goddess Iris (of the rainbow and messenger to the gods), owns her own store: Rainbow Organic Foods and Lifestyle. There she sells various products of Olympus and its inhabitants. You will design your own product that could be found at your local convenience store. For examples, check out this sheet. Be creative! Your goal is to help your classmates remember what your character is all about!

I expect that these presentations will be fairly informal. I am only looking for four key elements to grade your presentation as listed on your assignment sheet:

  1. Look up at your audience. No boring holes into your handout and never looking up.
  2. Ensure your audience can hear you. Each side of the room should be able to clearly hear what you are saying.
  3. Use proper words. This isn’t the time to be using slang and catchphrases like you do with your friends. Speak with correct and specific terms that aren’t your everyday relaxed vocabulary.
  4. Be clear in your explanations. At the end of the presentation, you want your audience to nod in understanding, not cock their heads to the side in confusion. Have you clearly expressed your ideas? Or, am I lost in a confusion of questions?

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